A social media claim recently went viral, alleging that a pani puri street vendor in Tamil Nadu had received an income tax notice for accepting over ₹40 lakh in online payments during the 2023-24 financial year. However, Channeliam Fact Check has thoroughly investigated the claim and found it to be entirely false.
The False Claim
The claim originated from a post on social media, where a screenshot of a purported notice was shared. The notice allegedly stated that the pani puri vendor had earned over ₹40 lakh through online transactions, leading to an income tax notice. This claim gained considerable traction after it was shared widely, leading to widespread confusion.
Fact Check Findings
Upon investigation, it was determined that the notice in the viral post was not issued to a pani puri vendor, but to a hotel owner in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. The notice was related to the failure of the hotel owner to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST). The notice, which was circulated on social media, had its details altered to falsely imply it was directed at a pani puri vendor.
A Commercial Taxes Department official from Tamil Nadu confirmed that the notice was issued to a hotel in Kanyakumari, asking the business owner to register for GST. The official clarified that the “to address” section of the notice had been edited to mislead people into thinking it was intended for a street vendor.
What Was the Notice Really About?
The notice, which was issued in December 2023, was a reminder for the hotel owner to register for GST. In India, street vendors are typically exempt from GST unless their annual turnover exceeds ₹40 lakh. However, no such notice was issued to any pani puri vendor for violating income tax or GST rules. The viral claim was based on a fabricated interpretation of the original notice.
Misinformation Spread
The altered notice, which falsely showed the address as belonging to a pani puri vendor, was shared on various platforms, including Facebook and Twitter. It quickly gained engagement and sparked misinformation regarding the tax obligations of street vendors. The details of the notice were modified to create confusion and spread false information about street vendors being targeted by the income tax department.
Channeliam Fact Check has conclusively established that the viral claim about a pani puri vendor in Tamil Nadu receiving an income tax notice for earning ₹40 lakh through online payments is entirely false. The notice was actually sent to a hotel owner for GST registration, and the social media post manipulated the information to create a misleading narrative.
This incident highlights the importance of verifying claims before sharing them, as misinformation can easily spread and cause unnecessary panic.