Striking Actors Restricting Traditional Marketing Efforts
The ongoing strike by actors, which prohibits them from participating in red carpets and press tours, has left Hollywood studios seeking alternative ways to promote their big-budget releases.

Shift Towards Paid Advertising and Influencer Marketing
Film and TV studios, accustomed to leveraging actors’ presence at premieres and interviews, are now compelled to focus on paid advertising, influencer marketing, attention-grabbing stunts, and collaborations with consumer brands, as suggested by industry experts.
Conflicts Arise Over Influencers and Talent Involvement
As the strike affects actors’ ability to connect emotionally with audiences, studios must adopt a more fan-centric marketing approach. This may involve paying influencers to lead events and generating social media content from both creators and fans. However, the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) warns influencers against working with companies impacted by the strike.

Backlash for Nonunion Influencers
Nonunion influencers may continue promoting studio titles, but many prominent creators may abstain to avoid backlash from fans and union members. Some influencers, unintentionally caught up in premieres during the strike, have faced criticism and public apologies.
Impact on Movie Releases and Marketing Efforts
While films like “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” with well-executed marketing campaigns may still perform as expected, a prolonged strike could adversely affect the box-office potential of late-summer and fall releases, as well as the value of film festivals and awards shows.

Studios Adapt to Actor-Free Marketing Approaches
Studios anticipate a prolonged actor strike and have started devising marketing campaigns that don’t rely on actor participation. They have turned to innovative tie-ins and experiential marketing, creating mutually beneficial partnerships with brands and utilising footage from films to engage audiences.
Uncertainty Surrounds Actors’ Return to Publicity Tours
With the future of actor participation in marketing events uncertain, studios are adjusting their marketing strategies to minimise reliance on talent presence. Ideas for campaigns are being developed with a focus on autonomy from actor involvement.

Hollywood studios are grappling with the challenge posed by the ongoing actor strike, leading them to explore alternative marketing methods in the absence of traditional promotional avenues. As the strike continues, studios are reimagining their marketing strategies to navigate the publicity void and maintain audience engagement during this uncertain period.