A change is inevitable which goes on to say that tangible currency has also evolved itself into forms of crypto, NFTs, utility tokens and so forth.
Channel IM bring to you the basics of what cryptocurrency and NFT is.
Now what is cryptocurrency?

It is an encrypted data string that denotes a unit of currency, which is monitored and organized by a peer-to-peer network called a blockchain, which also serves as a secure ledger of transactions. Unlike physical money, cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which means they are not issued by governments or other financial institutions. Cryptocurrencies are created and secured through cryptographic algorithms that are maintained and confirmed in a process called mining. Many investors consider bitcoin to be the original cryptocurrency. And this has been in the market since 2009.
What Are NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens are data added to a file that creates a unique signature. It can be an image file, a song, a tweet, a text posted on a website, a physical item, and various other digital formats. “Fungible” is a term used for things that can be exchanged for other things of exactly the same kind. Several years ago, people realised that blockchains: the shared, decentralized databases that power bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies; could be used to create unique, uncopyable digital files. And because these files were simply entries on a public database, anyone could verify who owned them, or track them as they changed hands. That realization prompted the creation of the first NFTs.
You can think of NFTs like the certificate of authenticity you get if you buy an expensive sculpture. The sculpture could be copied or forged; but because you have the certificate of authenticity, you can prove that you are the owner of the original. so NFTs are basically a way to claim ownership of a digital file. PFP (profile picture) NFTs are basically, a series of unique but thematically related NFTs, released in limited batches. Once they’re released or “minted,” these NFTs become a kind of digital collectible, and a membership card to an exclusive club. Many NFT groups have their own chat rooms on the Discord messaging app, where owners hang out and talk among themselves. But the NFT market appears to be cooling off these days, with falling transaction values and cancelled auctions of high-dollar NFTs.
The person who bought the famous Nyan Cat NFT, for example, doesn’t actually own the copyright to the Nyan Cat image, or the right to turn it into Nyan Cat merchandise. Its creator, Chris Torres, has reserved those rights. All the NFT buyer got, in essence, was an “official” copy of the image that was cryptographically signed by Torres.
Did you know that NFTs get stolen a lot too?

There have been a number of NFT thefts in recent months, as the price of popular NFTs has climbed. Thieves recently targeted several members of the Bored Ape Yacht Club,by tricking them into giving up the passwords to their crypto wallets. And hackers recently stole $1.7 million worth of NFTs from users of OpenSea, the largest NFT trading platform.
We’re entering the metaverse era
An age in which more of our daily interactions and experiences will take place inside immersive digital worlds, rather than in offline physical spaces. It is reasonable to conclude that most of today’s NFT activity is speculative, and that if another type of digital asset was routinely making people rich (or giving them fun communities of like-minded people to join), some people might stop trading NFTs and go trade those items instead.
Ultimately, the big selling point for NFTs isn’t that they make trading digital goods easy and cheap , or that they’re permanent and indestructible, or even that they represent the future of intellectual property. They allow people to create and trade scarce digital objects — for better or worse. NFTs are risky because their future is uncertain, and we don’t yet have a lot of history to judge their performance. Since NFTs are new and if you have money to spare, then perhaps it may be worth investing small amounts to try it out for now.
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