Tamil Nadu-based Uzhavarbhumi, established by Vetrivel Palani and Paneerselvam in 2018, is an end-to-end milk distribution platform for consumers and distributors. The startup stands for unadulterated milk.…
Miami based Doroni is working on a way to “democratize flight”. Its proposed solution is the H1 personal eVTOL. The…
The American business magnate Warren Buffett is an inspiration to millions. Now, social media is abuzz with a video of…
Apple Inc to focus more on India for production. It may make one out of four iPhones in India by…
From 14 cities, Amazon has increased its four-hour delivery service for Prime members to more than 50 significant cities and…
As the expanding middle class in Asia’s third-biggest economy increases spending on food and drinks, Nestle SA, the world’s largest…
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently introduced UPI Lite to take the digital payments experience to the next level.…
Because the window automated reversal mechanism may not respond appropriately after sensing an obstruction, increasing the risk of harm, Tesla…
At the conclusion of its two-day event, which drew more than 300 young change-makers from around the world, the Bill…
Many investors have gained fortunes thanks to the booming initial public offering business in 2021, as over 60 companies listed…