Browsing: business updates

Choosing the Perfect Business Name: Eight Traits to Consider. The process of naming a business holds immense importance as it serves as a foundational…

Five agritech startups that help farmers with their innovative solutions. A recent report by EY said that India’s agritech market is capable of…

MoD Achieves Indigenisation Targets: 164 Items Declared Successful With an import substitution value of Rs.814 crore, the Ministry of Defence (MoD)…

Amara Raja’s Gigafactory Sparks India’s Electric Revolution, Ignites Hope Amara Raja Batteries Limited inaugurated Telangana’s first Gigafactory on Saturday. It will manufacture lithium-ion…

WAAYU food delivery app launches in Mumbai with no commission fees. Anirudha Kotgire and Mandar Lande of Destek HORECA, two…