Neeraj Chopra, the two-time Olympic medalist, has married his partner, Himani Mor, in a private ceremony. The couple exchanged vows in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, with only close family members present. Neeraj shared the joyful news on social media on January 19, expressing gratitude and love for their new life together.
The newlyweds are currently enjoying their honeymoon in the United States. A grand reception will be held upon their return to India. Neeraj, who kept the wedding a secret, surprised his fans with photos, including one where his mother blesses him during the ceremony.
Himani Mor, a former tennis player from Haryana, now pursues sports management in the U.S. She has held various roles, including team manager for the women’s tennis team at Amherst College. Neeraj’s wedding comes after his impressive performance at the Paris Olympics, where he won a silver medal.
The couple received warm wishes from celebrities, including former cricketer Suresh Raina, who congratulated them on starting this new journey together.