The Yogi Adityanath-led government in Uttar Pradesh has announced plans to combine Varanasi and Prayagraj into a new religious region that will span over 22,000 square kilometers. This development initiative aims to create a major hub for religious growth, while also boosting industrial and technological infrastructure.
Key Details About the New Region
- The newly formed region will cover seven districts: Varanasi, Prayagraj, Chandauli, Ghazipur, Jaunpur, Mirzapur, and Bhadohi.
- The regional development authority will be established to oversee the project.
- The area will focus on religious development while also incorporating industrial zones and knowledge parks.
- This ambitious project will provide significant employment opportunities for locals.
A Vision for Economic Growth
The creation of this religious region is part of a broader vision to enhance economic development in Uttar Pradesh. The NITI Aayog has proposed regional programs to help India achieve its goal of becoming a $30 trillion economy by 2047. As part of this plan, the Uttar Pradesh government will prioritize the religious significance of Varanasi and Prayagraj while focusing on growth opportunities in other sectors.
Growth Hubs for Sustainable Development
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has endorsed the idea of transforming cities in this region into growth hubs. The proposal includes carefully planned housing and infrastructure development to ensure maximum benefit for residents, particularly the youth.
The Seven Districts
The seven districts included in the development plan—home to a population of over 3.37 crore people—will play a crucial role in this new initiative. Varanasi, known for the Kashi Vishwanath Temple and Sarnath, and Prayagraj, famous for its religious confluence, will form the heart of the new religious zone. The project will integrate various religious sites across the region, enhancing its cultural and spiritual significance.