Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that 60 large Navy ships, valued at Rs 1.5 trillion, are being built in India. This move will generate an economic circulation of around Rs 3 trillion, with each ship creating up to 14,000 jobs. During the commissioning of INS Surat, INS Nilgiri, and INS Vaghsheer, Modi highlighted how the “Make in India” initiative strengthens the country’s military and boosts economic growth.
Key Achievements of ‘Make in India’ for Naval Strength
- 60 Large Ships: The Prime Minister stated that these ships are being built domestically, with parts sourced from Indian MSMEs.
- Job Creation: The shipbuilding process creates jobs across various industries, with a sixfold multiplier effect.
- Boost to Defence: Modi emphasized that over 5,000 military items would no longer be imported, strengthening India’s self-reliance in defense.
Modernizing India’s Military
India is modernizing its armed forces with reforms such as the Chief of Defence Staff and the establishment of defence corridors in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The “Year of Reforms” initiative aims to streamline defence acquisition procedures for faster and more efficient capability development.
Historic Commissioning of New Ships
The three commissioned ships represent India’s growing strength in the Indian Ocean Region. INS Surat, INS Nilgiri, and INS Vaghsheer are notable for their indigenous content and cutting-edge technology. These ships exemplify India’s progress in naval warfare and self-reliance in defense production.