Booking Tatkal train tickets for last-minute travel is a common need, but it can be costly and time-consuming if refund delays occur due to waitlisted or unconfirmed bookings. IRCTC’s Autopay feature aims to simplify and secure the Tatkal booking process, ensuring payment is only completed once tickets are confirmed.
1. Tatkal Booking Timing and Process
Tatkal tickets are available for booking one day before the train’s departure. The booking window opens at 10 am for AC classes (such as 2A, 3A, and CC) and at 11 am for non-AC classes (SL, FC, 2S). For example, to book a Tatkal ticket for a train departing on November 1, you would book on October 30 at the specific time slot.
2. Booking Preferences and Refunds
When booking for a group or family, you may prefer specific berths, such as a lower berth. However, if your preferred berth is unavailable, the booking may proceed, potentially blocking funds for several days before the refund process begins. Using the IRCTC autopay feature minimises this issue, as funds are held but not fully deducted until your booking is confirmed.
3. Autopay Benefits with UPI, Debit, and Credit Cards
IRCTC’s iPay payment gateway offers autopay through UPI, debit, and credit cards. The autopay option reserves the ticket amount in your account without deducting it until a PNR (Passenger Name Record) is generated, minimising financial risks. If the ticket doesn’t confirm, the held funds are released immediately.
4. Step-by-Step Guide to Autopay
- Select Tatkal Quota: Ensure the Tatkal quota is selected when booking.
- Choose Coach Class and Passenger Details: Enter the train class and passenger information.
- Set Berth Preferences: Specify berth choices, or let the system select the best available option. If your preferred berth isn’t available, the booking won’t proceed, and funds will remain in your account.
- Select Autopay: Choose UPI (OTM), debit, or credit card autopay in the IRCTC iPay gateway. Funds are only deducted if your ticket is confirmed.
5. Improved User Experience
According to Vishal Maru, Global Processing Head at FSS, IRCTC autopay for credit cards offers a secure way to handle Tatkal ticket bookings. This system temporarily holds funds instead of charging your card immediately, reducing the chance of blocked funds. If the booking doesn’t confirm, the hold is lifted right away, making it easier to plan alternative travel.
This streamlined autopay option gives travellers peace of mind, ensuring payment only when a confirmed ticket is secured and reducing the risk of blocked funds on unsuccessful bookings.