Saudi films will be showcased in India for the first time through the “Saudi Film Nights” festival, starting on January 31 and running until February 5. This traveling festival, which has already seen success in Morocco, Australia, and China, will kick off at the National Museum of the Indian Cinema in Mumbai, with additional screenings in Delhi and Hyderabad. The event will feature a selection of long and short films, followed by panel discussions with filmmakers and cast members.
The Saudi film industry has grown rapidly since cinemas reopened in the kingdom in 2018. In 2023, Saudi theaters generated over SR846 million in revenue from the sale of 17.5 million tickets.
Saudi films have also toured 11 countries, participating in 14 international and local festivals. In total, 66 films have been supported by the Saudi Film Commission, and 18 Saudi films have been showcased internationally, reaching more than 2,700 viewers.
The reopening of cinemas in 2018 marked a significant cultural shift for Saudi Arabia, and the country has since become a hub for both local and international filmmakers, further demonstrated by the success of the Red Sea International Film Festival, which launched in December 2021.