Airtel, led by Sunil Mittal, is preparing to roll out its satellite internet services, positioning itself as a strong competitor to Elon Musk’s Starlink in India. The company has successfully constructed two key base stations in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu and is now awaiting spectrum allocation and final approval from the Indian government to begin operations.
Airtel’s Satellite Internet: Ready for Launch
According to Rajan Bharti Mittal, Vice Chairman of Bharti Enterprises, Airtel’s satellite telecom service is ready to be deployed as soon as the necessary permissions are granted. “We are prepared to launch as soon as we get the required approvals,” Mittal stated in a recent interview with ANI.
With 635 satellites already in orbit, Airtel brings significant experience in satellite internet, having operated in several international markets. The company has also promised affordable pricing, particularly for remote areas, which could give it a competitive edge over Starlink. Airtel’s focus on providing accessible satellite internet service is expected to attract a broader customer base.
Starlink Faces Challenges in India
While Starlink has generated global attention for its innovative satellite internet service, it is still awaiting government approval to launch in India. One of the major obstacles Starlink faces is its pricing, which may not be suitable for the price-sensitive Indian market. Airtel’s focus on affordability could provide it with an advantage in attracting customers who seek cost-effective solutions for satellite internet.
Intra Circle Roaming: A New Initiative in Telecom
In related news, Airtel, Jio, and BSNL users in India can now make calls using any available network, thanks to the newly introduced Intra Circle Roaming (ICR) facility. Launched on January 17, 2024, during an event promoting 4G mobile sites funded by the Digital Bharat Nidhi (DBN), the initiative allows users to access 4G services from a shared tower even if their primary SIM network is unavailable.
The ICR initiative helps telecom providers share government-funded towers, reducing the need to build additional infrastructure. This cooperative approach improves connectivity across India, making it easier to set up and maintain robust networks, ensuring better service for users.
Airtel’s Strong Position in India’s Telecom Sector
With its experience, affordability, and initiatives like the ICR facility, Airtel is well-positioned to make a significant impact in India’s satellite internet market. Its focus on accessible pricing and innovative solutions gives it a strong competitive edge in the telecom landscape.