The Maha Kumbh Mela, the world’s largest religious gathering, has kicked off in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Millions of devotees have gathered for the 45-day event, which started on January 13, to take part in the sacred dip at the Sangam. Over 40 crore pilgrims, including international visitors, are expected to participate. This year’s event holds extraordinary spiritual significance, as it aligns with a rare celestial occurrence not seen in 144 years.
The Mela features a mix of spiritual leaders, including the widely observed Naga Sadhus. One of the notable figures this year is Abhay Singh, also known as Masani Gorakh, or the “IITian Baba.” Singh, a former aerospace engineering student from IIT Bombay, left a promising career to embrace spirituality. During an interview with News18, he revealed that his spiritual journey led him to explore deep philosophical works, finding true understanding in spirituality.
The first royal bath (shahi snan) took place on Makar Sankranti, January 14, with the final one scheduled for Mahashivratri on February 26, marking the conclusion of the Maha Kumbh.