A devastating fire erupted early on January 14 at the Bangalore Bio Incubation Center (BBC) in Bengaluru, Karnataka, severely affecting both infrastructure and several startups. The blaze, which started at 4:35 am in the Galore Tx lab on the second floor, was caused by improper handling of flammable solvents. Despite prior warnings to startups about storing and using large quantities of inflammable chemicals, the fire caused extensive damage to key facilities and equipment.
Impact on BBC Infrastructure and Startups
The fire ravaged the second floor of the BBC, a facility recently revamped to accommodate more startups. The extensive damage spread to the first and ground floors, mainly due to interconnected heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) lines, which were severely affected. Important facilities such as the Bangalore Bio Bank, Cleanroom, Flowcytometry, and HVAC units faced significant damage, hindering crucial operations.
The fire also caused heavy losses for the startups incubated at BBC. Companies such as Fermbox, Phyxx 44, Ajitha Prodrug, and Ikesia suffered significant setbacks, losing specialized equipment, consumables, and valuable intellectual property. The startups, which heavily rely on these resources, have reported severe damage across their labs.
Loss Estimates and Government Support
Initial estimates indicate that the losses for startups could range between Rs 80 crore to 110 crore, with damage to the BBC infrastructure estimated at around Rs 42 crore. The fire department managed to contain the blaze within 2.5 hours, and fortunately, no casualties were reported. A comprehensive assessment report from the Fire Department is still awaited.
Karnataka Minister Priyank Kharge expressed his concern over the incident on X, acknowledging the emotional toll on entrepreneurs whose years of hard work were destroyed. He reassured the affected companies of the government’s full support in rebuilding their operations. Kharge also extended his gratitude to the Fire & Emergency Services for their prompt response.
This unfortunate incident highlights the risks associated with mishandling hazardous materials, despite prior precautions. While the fire caused considerable damage, the swift response from the fire department prevented further casualties. Moving forward, the affected startups will need significant support to recover from the devastating losses they have incurred. The government’s commitment to aiding these companies will be crucial in helping them rebuild and return to operations.