The Tamil Nadu government is expanding its IT footprint by establishing a 2 million sq ft AI-focused IT hub in Coimbatore, as part of a Public-Private Partnership, said Chief Minister MK Stalin at the inaugural session of the ‘Umagine TN’ conference held at the Chennai Trade Centre.
AI and Emerging Technologies as Focus Areas
Tamil Nadu has consistently been at the forefront of promoting the IT sector, with initiatives targeting emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, IoT, and Electric Vehicles. Chief Minister Stalin emphasized the state’s commitment to developing these sectors and fostering entrepreneurship, noting the increase in Global Capability Centres since his government took power.
Balanced Development Across Cities
Stalin highlighted the importance of balanced growth, stressing that true development must extend beyond Chennai. As part of this vision, the state is creating job opportunities in smaller cities by establishing technology parks in places like Coimbatore, Salem, Madurai, and Trichy, ensuring that youth have access to local employment opportunities.
Building on M Karunanidhi’s Vision
Reflecting on the legacy of the late Chief Minister M Karunanidhi, Stalin mentioned the establishment of Tidel Park in 1999 and the ongoing efforts to expand digital infrastructure. The government is now focused on strengthening digital security to prevent cybercrimes and ensure the technology remains accessible and simple for everyone.
Tamil Nadu’s Role in Global Tech Talent
IT Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan spoke about Tamil Nadu’s exceptional contribution to the global tech talent pool. The state produces 20% of India’s engineering and technology workforce, leads in patent filings, and 75% of patents in deep tech and innovation are filed in Chennai. Moreover, more than 85% of tech professionals in Tamil Nadu are of Tamil origin, with many contributing to industries in cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Pune.
Strategic Location for Global Corporations
C Vijayakumar, CEO of HCL Technologies, highlighted Tamil Nadu’s strategic importance for the company, noting the significant presence of their workforce in Chennai and Madurai. He praised the state for its diverse industrial base, its position as an IT hub, and its strong agricultural environment, emphasizing that Tamil Nadu is a key contributor to HCL’s success.
With its forward-thinking initiatives and focus on creating a robust infrastructure for AI and other tech fields, Tamil Nadu is positioning itself as a global leader in IT, offering a blend of local talent and international recognition in the tech industry.