On Tuesday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched Bharatpol, a new portal developed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), designed to enhance real-time information sharing between Indian law enforcement agencies and international counterparts. This initiative aims to streamline access to international police assistance and accelerate the investigation process.
Connecting Agencies for Faster Investigations
Shah emphasized that Bharatpol will revolutionize how Indian probe agencies connect with Interpol, speeding up investigations. Traditionally, international cooperation relied on letters, emails, and faxes, which often delayed crucial communication. Bharatpol will bring all stakeholders onto a unified platform, making information exchange seamless and efficient.
Tackling Transnational Crime
The growing challenge of transnational crimes made it essential to develop a system capable of providing quick, real-time international assistance in criminal investigations. The new Bharatpol portal addresses this issue by providing a centralized space for collaboration among agencies at the Central, State, and Union Territory levels.
Bringing Fugitives Under Indian Law
Amit Shah pointed out that many criminals who fled abroad after committing crimes in India have long remained beyond the reach of Indian law. With Bharatpol and advancements in criminal law, India aims to bring these fugitives back into the legal fold. Shah emphasized that criminals sitting abroad after committing crimes in India should no longer evade justice.
Trial in Absentia: A New Legal Provision
In a significant move, the government has introduced the provision of “Trial in Absentia” under three new criminal laws. This allows trials to proceed even if the accused is not present in court, particularly for criminals who are outside the country. Shah explained that this provision makes it easier to deport convicted criminals and bring them back to India to serve their sentences.
Transforming Crime Investigation in India
Shah believes that Bharatpol will become a transformative tool for law enforcement agencies in tackling security challenges and criminal activities. This step marks a major advancement in India’s efforts to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its criminal justice system, especially in dealing with international crime.