Pune is set to benefit from an expansion in its Vande Bharat Express services, with four new trains being introduced. Currently, two trains serve routes like Pune-Hubli, Pune-Kolhapur, and Mumbai-Solapur via Pune. The addition of these four trains will make travel faster and more convenient, cutting down the time it takes to reach various destinations.
The new Vande Bharat Express trains will soon run on routes including Pune-Shegaon, Pune-Vadodara, Pune-Secunderabad, and Pune-Belagavi. Although exact launch dates are yet to be confirmed, the new services are expected to start soon. This development is aimed at improving rail travel for both local residents and tourists.
Ticket Pricing for Vande Bharat Express Routes
Ticket prices for the Vande Bharat Express depend on the route and class of travel. For example, on the Pune-Kolhapur route, standard tickets cost ₹560, while a special coach ticket is ₹1,135. The train operates three times a week—on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. For the Pune-Hubli route, the ticket prices are ₹1,530 for standard seating and ₹2,780 for the special coach.
On December 28, 2024, four new Vande Bharat Express trains were announced for Pune, bringing the total to six. These additions will provide faster and more comfortable travel options to new destinations. The ticket prices vary by route and coach type, offering greater convenience for passengers.