Shravan, hailing from Parli Vaijanath, Maharashtra, became the iconic voice of Indian Railways by sheer luck. A long-time railway enthusiast, Shravan’s journey began when he joined the Railways as a private employee. His big break came when a power failure disrupted train announcements, and he was asked to make a manual announcement. Shravan, who had been inspired by the existing announcer, Sarla Choudhary, imitated her voice with surprising accuracy, impressing everyone around him.
The Power of Passion
For Shravan, the fascination with train announcements began in his childhood. He recalled, “When I got the chance, I gave it my best. There’s been no looking back.” This impromptu opportunity marked the beginning of his successful career. Today, his digitally mixed voice recordings are heard at railway stations across the country, helping passengers navigate their journeys.
Encouragement from Industry Veterans
One of Shravan’s proudest moments was receiving praise from senior announcers at Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT). “Their encouragement was like the highest endorsement for me,” Shravan said, reflecting on the significance of the recognition.
Overcoming Challenges
Despite his success, Shravan faced challenges during his college years when his voice skills were mocked by others. “People used to humiliate me and call me names. I ignored them and focused on my work,” he shared. His resilience in the face of adversity helped him turn ridicule into pride.
A Voice That Helps Millions
Today, Shravan’s voice is an integral part of the Indian Railways experience, guiding millions of passengers across the country. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion, turning an unexpected opportunity into a career that impacts millions every day.