Apple is set to open its fourth iPhone assembly unit in India by the end of this year. Located in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, the new factory will be managed by Tata Electronics, Apple’s key contract manufacturer. Tata is investing ₹6,000 crore in the 250-acre facility, which will create around 50,000 jobs, with a focus on employing women.
Strengthening Local Manufacturing
The new plant is a significant move in Apple’s strategy to enhance its manufacturing footprint in India. Production at the Hosur facility will commence in November. This expansion follows Tata’s acquisition of a Wistron unit, marking its second iPhone assembly plant in India.
Reducing Reliance on China
Apple’s latest investment underscores its commitment to diversifying its supply chain and reducing dependence on China. By increasing its manufacturing presence in India and collaborating with partners in Thailand, Malaysia, and other countries, Apple aims to build a more resilient and localised production network.
Apple’s Growth in India
Apple’s manufacturing journey in India began in 2017 when Foxconn started assembling iPhone SE models in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai. Since then, Apple has continued to expand its production capabilities in India. The acquisition of the Wistron facility by Tata Group for $125 million in October last year further strengthens Apple’s local manufacturing and vendor network, aligning with its broader strategy to reduce its reliance on Chinese manufacturing.