Pavel Durov, the Founder and CEO of Telegram, recently made an astonishing revelation to his 5.7 million followers on the messaging app: he has over 100 biological children. This disclosure has sparked widespread curiosity and debate, given Durov’s personal choice to remain unmarried and live alone.

A Request from a Friend
The revelation traces back about 15 years when Durov’s friend approached him with an unusual request. The friend and his wife were facing fertility issues and asked Durov to donate sperm at a clinic to help them conceive. Initially sceptical, Durov was surprised to find his friend was serious about the request. After considering the clinic’s shortage of “high-quality donor material,” Durov decided to contribute.
A Civic Duty Turned Significant Impact

Durov’s decision to donate sperm was driven by the clinic’s assertion that it was his “civic duty” to assist more couples. Fast forward to 2024, and Durov’s sperm donation has facilitated the births of over a hundred children across 12 countries. Despite ceasing donation years ago, some of his sperm remains preserved in IVF clinics for potential use by families seeking to conceive.
Plans for the Future
Looking ahead, Durov plans to open-source his DNA to enable his biological children to connect with one another. He expressed pride in his contribution to alleviating the global shortage of healthy sperm. Durov also aims to challenge the stigma surrounding sperm donation and encourage more men to participate, helping families struggling with infertility.

Public Reactions
Durov’s announcement has garnered significant attention, with his Telegram post attracting over 1.8 million views. Reactions on social media have been mixed. Some users criticised the idea, suggesting that tech CEOs are merely competing on the number of offspring they can claim without personal involvement. Others found humour in the fact that some of Durov’s sperm is still preserved in clinics. Critics questioned whether such donations could be considered a meaningful achievement.
Durov’s unconventional approach to philanthropy and family planning has certainly sparked a broader conversation about the ethics and impact of sperm donation in modern society.