A fake message claiming to be from India Post is widely circulating. The message suggests that a package has arrived for you and instructs you to provide details via a link within 12 hours to receive the parcel. India Post clarifies that this message is fake and that they are not responsible for such misleading communications. A comprehensive investigation by the Press Information Bureau (PIB) fact check confirmed that this message is a scam designed to deceive individuals.

The SMS misleads recipients by stating that a package is waiting for delivery in a warehouse and that the recipient needs to click on a link to update their incomplete address information to receive the package within 24 hours. This link directs users to a suspicious website potentially designed to misuse personal information, as identified by the PIB fact check.
PIB emphasizes that India Post never communicates via SMS to update address details for package delivery. The public is advised to be cautious and avoid clicking on links in such fake messages. Instead, individuals should verify the authenticity of any communication through official channels or websites of the concerned institution.

To protect against SMS scams and phishing attempts, PIB fact check offers the following suggestions:
- Avoid responding to messages from unknown sources that demand immediate action.
- Verify the legitimacy of any message, even if it claims to be from a reputable institution, by directly contacting them through official channels.
- Refrain from clicking on links in suspicious texts; instead, manually type the website address if needed.
- Never disclose personal or financial information through text messages to unfamiliar institutions.
- Report any suspicious SMS immediately to relevant authorities or cyber security agencies.
By following these guidelines and staying vigilant, individuals and institutions can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to online scams and frauds.