Prateek Arora, a screenwriter and digital creator, has gained significant attention in recent months for his distinctive AI artwork that combines the aesthetics of the Indian subcontinent with elements of science fiction and horror. Through the utilisation of AI imaging tools, Arora aims to create mood boards for Indian sci-fi and horror films, offering a fresh and unique perspective to these genres.
The Rise of Amphibious Auto Rickshaws: An Unconventional Art Series
Prateek Arora has created a captivating AI art series titled “Amphibious Autorickshaws.” These vehicles, resembling a fusion of an autorickshaw and a submarine, present a futuristic concept that challenges traditional transportation norms. With the help of Midjourney, Arora brings this intriguing vision to life, offering viewers a glimpse into an imaginative world where conventional means of commuting are reimagined.

Transforming Individuals: Prateek Arora’s Transformers-inspired Art
In a related series, Prateek Arora showcases his creative prowess by depicting people donned in Transformers-style costumes. The images captivate the audience with their attention to detail and the seamless integration of the iconic Transformers aesthetic with Indian cultural elements. This fusion of pop culture and Indian heritage creates a visual spectacle that sparks the imagination and leaves a lasting impression.
Hyper-Adaptive Rainwear: Embracing a Dystopian Vision
Prateek Arora also presents an evocative series of images featuring hyper-adaptive rainwear. These images depict a futuristic scenario in which Mumbai is submerged due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. Arora’s artwork serves as a commentary on the potential consequences of environmental challenges and invites viewers to contemplate a dystopian future where survival necessitates advanced technology and adaptations.
Prateek Arora’s AI artwork stands out for its infusion of Indian aesthetics into the realms of science fiction and horror. By leveraging AI imaging tools, Arora aims to fill the void of these genres in the Indian cinematic landscape, seeking to create a cultural impact and foster multi-generational affinity. Through his captivating art series, including the innovative “Amphibious Autorickshaws,” the Transformers-inspired images, and the thought-provoking hyper-adaptive rainwear series, Arora invites viewers to explore imaginative worlds and contemplate the intersection of technology, culture, and societal challenges.