India is once more put on the priority watch list by USTR in the 2023 IPR report.

The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has once again placed India on its Priority Watch List in its latest report on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection. This marks the second consecutive year that India has been placed on the list, indicating ongoing concerns over the country’s IPR protection regime.
The USTR report identifies several areas where India’s IPR protection falls short of International Standards. These include inadequate patent protection and enforcement, insufficient protection for trade secrets, and limited progress on copyright protection. The report also highlights concerns over India’s recent amendments to its Patent Act, which have raised questions about the country’s commitment to protecting IPR.
The decision to place India on the Priority Watch List has been met with criticism from some Indian officials, who argue that the report does not accurately reflect the country’s efforts to strengthen IPR protection. They maintain that India has made significant progress in this area, citing measures such as the establishment of specialized IP courts and the introduction of a National IP policy.
Despite these efforts, however, India continues to face significant challenges in strengthening its IPR regime and promoting Innovation and Economic growth. The USTR’s report serves as a reminder of the importance of IPR protection in today’s Global Economy, and highlights the need for continued dialogue and cooperation between countries to address these issues.
Moving forward, it will be important for India to address the concerns raised by the USTR report and take concrete steps to strengthen its IPR protection regime. This will not only help to protect the rights of Innovators and Creators, but also support India’s broader economic development goals and promote trade and investment with key partners such as the United States.