The National Single Window System (NSWS) is a digital platform to guide you in identifying and applying for approvals according to your business requirements. The Know Your Approvals (KYA) module includes guidance for 32 Central Departments and 31 States. You are advised to check the relevant Government portals for any other required approvals. The portal hosts applications for approvals from 26 Central Departments and 19 State Governments. These approvals can be applied through NSWS.

Process of Applying for DPIIT recognition through the National Single Window System
- Registration on National Single Window System (NSWS)
- If not registered, click on Register
- Registration as a Startup on NSWS
- Add ‘Registration as a Startup’ to the Approvals on the NSWS Dashboard
- Click on→Add More Approval→Central Approvals
- Search for ‘Registration as a Startup’
- Click on→Add to My Approvals
- Startup Application Form
- Fill the application form
- Click on → Apply Now → Common Registration Form → Startup Recognition by DPIIT
- Register on Startup India portal
- Once the application has been submitted on the NSWS portal, if marked rejected the startup can apply again through Startup India website.
- Click on→LOGIN→Unable to Log in?
- Click on Click here→Enter CIN/Email of Authorised Representative→ Enter OTP received on email to reset password
- Accessing your Application
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- On the NSWS dashboard click on the form row to access the application form. It will display the application status and allocated DPIIT number “Processing Detail” section of the Application Form Interface.
- The Processing Details section will show any communication from Startup India and if your application has been approved it will also have your Recognition Certificate Number.
- On the Startup India dashboard click on DPIIT Recognition button. It will display the application status under the Recognition Form Status section.
- Download the certificate
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- Download the DPIIT Certificate
- The DPIIT startup recognition certificate is accessible through NSWS, Startup India Hub Portal and DigiLocker.
- On, it is added to the Approvals.
- On certificate can be accessed by clicking the ‘Verify Certificate’ button on the Homepage.
- On DigiLocker search for Startup Certificate.