The world-famous Tirupati Lord Venkateswara temple’s net worth is over Rs 2.5 lakh crore. It is more than the mcap of Wipro, Nestle, ONGC and IOC. It is the first time Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams revealed its net worth. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams is the keeper of the temple. Its assets include gold deposits, jewellery, cash deposits and properties across India. All these are given by devotees as offerings. The temple has 10.25 tonnes of gold deposits and 2.5 tonnes of gold jewellery. Deposits in banks amount to R 16,000 crore. Across India, it has 960 properties. Only a few companies have a bigger market valuation than the temple trust’s net worth. Some are Reliance Industries Ltd, TCS, HDFC, SBI, and Airtel.
Tirupati’s Richest Temple
The famous Tirupati temple is richer than some of India's business giants