Entrepreneur comes from the French word ‘entreprendre’. It means undertake.
The birth of any enterprise is where one is willing to take it. Every business starts with a strong foundation, which then develops and the business grows. An entrepreneurial success requires equal effort from every employee in the organization, starting from the founder. Entrepreneurship is about implementing new ideas and skills and bringing out the best for the betterment of a country.
From Bill Gates, who developed a computer program to monitor traffic patterns at the age of 15, to Jeff Bezos, the world has many great entrepreneurs who entered the record books of business management from a young age. Bezos, who started his business as a virtual bookstore, later took it further than his wildest visions. World Entrepreneur Day is celebrated to recognize the work of all such legendary entrepreneurs and create awareness about entrepreneurship, creation and leadership among stakeholders. Entrepreneurship has some basic lessons.
1. Be bold : Anyone who achieves something has a big dream. Many of those dreams were initially scoffed at and laughed at. But if you don’t think big, or work hard enough to make your dream and vision happen, you don’t stand a chance. This is the specialty of entrepreneurship. Therefore, an entrepreneur must possess incredible courage more than any other job seeker. Only then can risks be turned into success.
2. Connect: In an age of automation and faceless technology, being someone, real people can connect with is extremely important. Mass customization is now a common concept. Enterprises that scale best through mass production survive. But each customer or user experience is unique to them. Every enterprise tries to influence the user by articulating what they stand for. The best asset a business can have is knowing their customer and building a better relationship with them.
3. Focus: The most common characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is their ability to focus the most on what they do. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs all point to focus as a key factor in their success. A clear sense of purpose is absolutely necessary for increasing business performance. Anything done without direction is bound to fail.